Welcome to Companions!
The Zoo Update is here July 2022!
Faction mechanics June 2022!
Leaderboard for PVE, bug fixes May 2022!
Updates, bug fixes, and improvements April 2022!
Our Docs & Roadmap are under revision!
Donation made to 350.org March 2022!
Singleplayer PVE December 2021!
Multiplayer PVP September 2021!
Launch July 2021!
Did someone say Totems?
Totems are summoned by performing a special ritual on three companions. Level up and collect Companions
to construct increasingly dominant totems that strike a balance between power and stability!
Phase 0: Commissions (done)
Phase 1: NFTs (done)
Phase 2: Alpha (done)
Phase 3: Zoo and Beyond (done)